Indoor plants should be an essential component of every interior design. Greenery brightens up indoor spaces and are known to have mood-boosting qualities.

our ultimate guide will provide you with the necessary information to allow your green friends to thrive.

String of Turtles

It's small in size and has a slow growth rate, reaching full maturity in three to five years. This makes string of turtles a good choice if you have limited space. The plant's attractive leaf shape also makes it a favorite to use in fairy gardens, container gardens, and terrariums.

SOIL: Free draining, fine, soil-less substrate

HUMIDITY: Very high

WATER: Lightly moist (never wet)

LIGHT: Bright indirect light (no direct sun)

HEAT: Warm 


Monstera Adansonii

Monsteras are often called Swiss cheese plants or vines for their leaves’ lacy holes and notches, and adansonii is arguably the cheesiest of them all. Its leaves are more perforated and delicate than deliciosa‘s and the plant is petite in comparison. And though all Monsteras are considered vines, adansonii has a trailing quality that makes it a good pick for hanging baskets or training around a room.

SOIL: Well draining soil mix. The ideal ph level is between 5.5 to 7 ph.

HUMIDITY: Average to high humidity is best.

WATER: Strive to water regulary keep slightly moist.

LIGHT: This plant prefers to be near sunlight, but not directly moist.

HEAT: Between 18 - 27 ° C.

TOXICITY: Monkey Mask Monstera is toxic to both people and animals - keep away from small children and pets.

AIR CARE: Its large glossy green leaves, this plant is great at eliminating any airborne toxins in the home.

Epipremnum N’ Joy

Epipremnum N’Joy is one of the newer varieties of variegated Potho. It has slightly smaller leaves than of the other traditional pothos, but its bold green and cream variegation is simply beautiful. Brighten up your home with one of these! It has slightly smaller leaves and is a rapid grower. With your N’joy, you can either keep it trimmed back to make a compact desktop plant, let it spill over the edge of a shelf or out of a hanging basket.

SOIL: Good drainage potting mix: Neutral.

HUMIDITY: Moderate. 40% - 60%. Prefers slightly higher humidity levels. Gently mist leaves once a week with distilled water.

WATER: Minimum. Achieve moist, but not soggy soil during warmer months. Reduce watering on cooler months, allow soil to dry out before watering.

LIGHT: Bright indirect light (no direct sun)

HEAT: 18 - 29ºC. Ideal room temperature.

TOXICITY: It’s important to keep this plant out of reach of children and pets.

AIR CARE: A wonderful air purifying plant which helps eliminate toxins in the home.

Satin Pothos

This striking tropical plant is fairly new to house plant nurseries. Satin Pothos is just as easy to grow as its relative, golden pothos (Epipremnum aureum). Big, heart-shaped leaves are dark-green and splashed with silvery gray, giving them a satin sheen. Its compact growth habit makes Scindapsus pictus 'Argyraeus' a beautiful hanging basket plant. Gorgeous as a hanging plant or on a high shelf.

SOIL: Use all-purpose houseplant potting mix.

HUMIDITY: Try to maintain 40-50% relative humidity around your plant.

WATER: Water thoroughly and allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Keep soil barely moist in winter. Yellow leaves are a symptom of overwatering.

LIGHT: Bright, indirect light year-round. Harsh direct sunlight will scorch its leaves, while too-little light will cause the leaves to lose their variegation.

HEAT: Average to warm 18-29°C. Don't expose Satin Pothos to temperatures below 16°C.

TOXICITY: Keep away from small children and pets.

Jade Pothos

Wild, tropical, lush and dramatic, Jade will grow full and strong! The graceful Jade Pothos is a hanging indoor plant that can actually climb, transforming into a beautiful, green cascade. In a place of natural colors, it will a bright burst of color. You can place in living rooms, hallways, bedrooms, offices, conference rooms, or anywhere with plenty of light. All this easy-care plant needs is water and low light to look its best!

SOIL: Grow in a high quality, well-draining potting mix

HUMIDITY: Humid environment, such as a bathroom or kitchen. Brown leaf tips may indicate the air is too dry.

WATER: Water your Pothos when the top 50% of the soil is dry. Water until liquid flows through the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot and discard any water that has accumulated in the saucer.

LIGHT: Bright indirect light is ideal, but plants are tolerant of low light and fluorescent lighting. Avoid direct sunlight, which can burn or discolor foliage.

HEAT: 25° C. Make sure that in direct line of contact to air conditioning or heating vents.

TOXICITY: Keep away from small children and pets.

Philodendron Brasil

Brasil baby! Wow what a looker. Philodendron hederaceum 'Brasil' is a wild and bold cultivar of the classic Heartleaf Philodendron. Its variegated leaves look almost painted, with strokes of yellow and lime green across the deep green foliage. Ideal for indoor use or outdoors in warm, humid areas

SOIL: Good drainage potting mix. 6.1 - 6.5 ph. Neutral.

HUMIDITY: Moderate. 40% - 60%. Prefers slightly higher humidity levels. Gently mist leaves once a week with distilled water.

WATER: Likes to have its top layer of soil dry out in between watering.

LIGHT: While it can survive in low levels of light, the Brasil will thrive in a well lit space that gets high levels of bright indirect light, this will encourage it’s variegation.

HEAT: Average household temperatures from 16-24°C are ideal.

TOXICITY: Keep away from small children and pets.

Philodendron Micans

Philodendron micans with their unique velvety, heart-shaped leaves is what makes them truly special. The new leaves emerge with a bright green and yellow tone, they shift to a slight pink hue and then settle with a gorgeous velvet, purple/green undertone. The Philodendron micans is easy to care for and will grow to impressive lengths. Occasionally, you will see the Philodendron Micans with other names such as Velvet Leaf Philodendron.

SOIL: Good drainage potting mix. 50/50 ph. Neutral.

HUMIDITY: Moderate. 40% - 80%. Prefers slightly higher humidity levels.

WATER: Allow the top of the soil to dry out slightly before re-watering. During winter months allow the soil to fully dry out.

LIGHT: Prefers bright indirect light, but can tolerate medium and low light spaces.

HEAT: Average household temperatures from 16-24°C are ideal. Minimum 13°C. Can tolerate some draught.

TOXICITY: Keep away from small children and pets.